Vitamin Shots

We offer a variety of wellness shots to help you feel your best and give you a boost when you really need it!

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More about vitamin shots

We offer the following vitamin shots.

  • Vitamin B12
    Boost Energy levels, metabolism, and improve sleep quality with this fan favorite!

  • Glutathione
    The mother of all antioxidants! Glutathione helps support natural liver detoxification & support, boost immune function, and when used regularly can help brighten skin tone! Glutathione is a great option to help combat hangovers too!

  • Lipotropic MICC
    Methionine, Inositol, Choline and Vitamin B12 blended together help improve your fat metabolism and transport of fatty acids. As an added benefit, this shot can also help improve anxiety! When used regularly, this shot can help aid in fat and weight loss when paired with diet and exercise.

  • Tri-Immune boost

    A custom blend of Glutathione, Vitamin C and Zinc will help boost your immune system function to help you get over your illness quicker, or help prevent illness. Great to get when members of your household or office are sick, or when you’re getting ready to get on a plane for travel

  • Taurine

    Taurine is an amino acid that helps regulate nerve function. It also helps reduce blood pressure, stress on the heart, promotes healthy metabolism, and helps lower cholesterol. This amino acid can be beneficial in lowering anxiety levels as well.

  • Alpha Lipoic Acid

    ALA is an antioxidant naturally found in the foods we eat. It helps protect our body from free radicals, is anti-inflammatory, helps lower blood sugar levels by converting sugar to energy which helps maintain metabolism, and can help with nerve function such as neuropathic path

  • Amino Blend

    Amino blend is a custom cocktail that contains Ornithine, Arginine, Lysine and Citrulline. These amino acids are vaso-dilators, which help increase blood flow throughout the body. This can be helpful in athletes and gym go-ers, as well as those looking for an extra boost in the bedroom.

  • B-Complex

    This is a blend of Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6. Help fight fatigue with a non-jittery form of energy, promote deeper sleep, and help keep your immune system functioning well.

DISCLAIMER: Individual results may vary.